In the market for a new handbag, I prefer a crossbody bag as I have a toddler and like to have my hands free and room for a few nappies and a travel pack of wipes.

I feel like i’m really limited for options with crossbody bags at the moment, all i’m seeing everywhere is shoulder bags! I currently have the nakedvice hunter bag, and was looking at another nakedvice bag but I feel like these are a bit dated now? Same with Poppy Lissiman.

What’s everyone’s opinion? Is there such a thing as a “trendy” crossbody bag right now? Late 20s if that makes a difference.

A crossbody bag is a type of handbag that is worn over the shoulder and diagonally across the body. It has a long strap that you can adjust to hang the bag at the desired height. Crossbody bags are designed for comfortable and hands-free carrying, making them ideal for women on the go. They are often smaller than traditional shoulder bags or handbags but still offer ample space for essential items such as a wallet, keys, phone, makeup, and more.

The History of Crossbody Bags
The concept of the crossbody bag is not new; it has a long history dating back to ancient times. In many cultures, similar bags were used to carry essentials while traveling or working. In the 1950s and 1960s, crossbody bags gained popularity, especially among youth, as they were convenient for festivals and music events.

However, the modern crossbody bag as we know it has undergone a transformation. Brands started designing them with various styles, materials, and details to cater to the needs of the modern woman. Today, there are crossbody bags for every occasion, from casual to chic.

Materials and Construction
The choice of material and construction of a crossbody bag impacts its durability and appearance. Here are some common materials used:

  1. Leather

Leather is one of the most popular materials for crossbody bags due to its durability and timeless look. There are different types of leather, including full-grain leather, suede, nappa leather, and more.

  1. Canvas

Canvas is a sturdy and lightweight material often used for casual crossbody bags. It’s perfect for a relaxed look.

  1. Nylon

Nylon crossbody bags are lightweight, water-resistant, and durable. They are great for daily use, especially in changing weather conditions.

  1. Synthetic Materials

Synthetic materials like polyurethane (PU) are often used for vegan crossbody bags. They can have a leather-like appearance and are an ethical choice for animal lovers.